Sławomir Kalinowski

changes: June 2, 2014
Original research papers
- K. Winkler, S. Kalinowski, T.
Krogulec, A study of the deposition of iron on mercury and glassy
electrodes, J. Electroanal. Chem., 252
(1988) 303-322 (IF 2,732, citations 9).
- S. Kalinowski, Z. Figaszewski, A new
system for bilayer lipid membrane capacitance measurements: method,
and applications, Biochim. Biophys. Acta,
1112 (1992) 57-66 (IF 4,647, citations 18).
- S. Kalinowski, Z. Figaszewski, A
four-electrode potentiostat-galvanostat for studies of bilayer lipid
Meas. Sci. Technol., 6 (1995) 1050-1056 (IF
1,350, citations 35).
- S. Kalinowski, Z. Figaszewski, A
four-electrode system for measurement of bilayer lipid membrane
capacitance, Meas.
Sci. Technol., 6 (1995) 1043-1049 (IF 1,350, citations 25).
- J. Morzycki, S. Kalinowski, Z.
Lotowski, J. Rabiczko, Synthesis of dimeric steroids as components of
membranes, Tetrahedron, 53 (1997) 10579-10590 (IF 3,011, citations 13).
- S. Kalinowski, G. Ibron, K. Bryl, Z.
Figaszewski, Chronopotentiometric studies of electroporation of bilayer
membranes, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1369 (1998) 204-212 (IF 4,647,
citations 21)
- S. Kalinowski, Z. Łotowski, J.W.
Morzycki, Influence of bolaamphiphilic steroid dimer on formation and
of bilayer lipid membranes, Cell. Mol. Biol. Lett., 5 (2000)
107-128 (IF 1,455, citations 8).
- S. Radu, B. Bucur, M. Cheregi, A.F.
Danet, S. Kalinowski, Determinarea spectrofotometrica a fenolilor din
utilizand un montaj de analiza in flux automatizat, Rev. Chim., 52
(2001), 41-45 (IF 0,693, citations 4).
- S. Koronkiewicz, S. Kalinowski, K.
Bryl, Changes of structural and dynamic properties of model lipid
induced by alfa-tocopherol: implication to the membrane stabilization
external electric field, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1510 (2001)
300-306 (IP 4,647, citations 15).
- A.F. Danet, S. Apostol, A. Stanus,
M. Cheregi, S. Kalinowski, Montaj de analiza prin injectare in flux
preconcentrarea si determinarea spectrofotometrica a fenolilor din ape,
Chim., 53 (2002) 580-586 (IF 0,693, citations 1).
- M. Kotulska, S. Koronkiewicz, S.
Kalinowski, Cholesterol induced changes in the characteristic of the
series from planar lipid bilayer membrane during electroporation, Acta
Polonica B, 33 (2002) 1115-1129 (IF
0,664, citations 10).
- S. Koronkiewicz, S. Kalinowski, K.
Bryl, Programmable chronopotentiometry as a tool for the study of
electroporation and resealing of pores in bilayer lipid membranes,
Biophys. Acta, 1561 (2002) 222-229 (IF 4,647, citations 24).
- L. Smoczyński, A. Zaborowska, S.
Kalinowski, A. Smoczyńska, Chronoamperometry in wastewater
Electrocoagulation, Ecological
Chemistry and Engineering, 11 (2004) 1355-1362 (IF 0,294).
- L. Smoczyński, S. Kalinowski, A. Zaborowska,
Electrochemical treatment of model wastewater, Ecological Chemistry and
Engineering, 11 (2004) 1346-1354 (IF 0,294).
- M. Kotulska, S. Koronkiewicz, S.
Kalinowski, Self-similar processes and flicker noise from fluctuating
in a lipid membrane, Phys. Rev. E, 69
(2004) 319-329 (IF 2,352, citations 14).
- S. Koronkiewicz, S. Kalinowski,
Influence of cholesterol on electroporation of bilayer lipid membrane:
chronopotentiometric studies, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1661 (2004)
196-203 (IF 4,647, citations 22).
- A.I. Chivulescu, A.F. Danet, S.
Kalinowski, Determination of hydrogen peroxide and ampicillin using a
analysis method with chemiluminescence detection, Rev. Chim. 56 (2005)
695-698 (IF 0,693, citations 2).
- M.C. Rizea, A.F. Danet, S. Kalinowski,
Determination of mercury(II) after its preconcentration on a carbon
electrode modified with cadion A, Rev. Chim., 58 (2007) 266-269
(IF 0,693, citations 3).
- M. Kotulska, K. Kubica, S.
Koronkiewicz, S. Kalinowski, Modeling the induction of lipid membrane
electropermeabilization, Bioelectrochemistry, 70 (2007) 64-70 (IF
3,52, citations 17).
- S. Kalinowski, S. Koronkiewicz, M.
Kotulska, K. Kubica, Simulation of electroporated cell by
chronopotentiometry, Bioelectrochemistry,
70 (2007) 83-90 (IF 3,52, citations 3).
- A.M. Pisoschi, A.F. Danet, S.
Kalinowski, Ascorbic acid determination in commercial fruit juice
samples by
cyclic voltammetry, J. Autom. Meth.
Manag. Chem., 2008 (2008), Art. ID
937651 (IF 0,348, citations 4).
- S. Koronkiewicz, S. Kalinowski, A novel direct-injection
photometric detector
integrated with solenoid pulse-pump system, Talanta,
86 (2011) 436-441 (IF 3,722,
citations 1).
- S.
Koronkiewicz, S. Kalinowski, Application of direct-injection detector
integrated with the
multi-pumping flow system to photometric stop-flow determination of
total iron,
Talanta (2012), doi:10.1016/j.talanta.2012.03.020 (IF
3,772, cytowania 0).
Other scientific publications
- S. Kalinowski, Electrochemistry of
lipid membranes. From biomembranes to biosensors (in Polish),
Wydawnictwo UWM,
Olsztyn 2004, 284 pp. ISBN 83-7299-325-4. Monograph
including 116 figures, 47 tables, 127 structural formulas of chemical
- S. Kalinowski, Electrochemical
methods and their application, in Advances in Planar Lipid Bilayers and
Liposomes, Vol. 2, Ed.
A. Ottova, Elsevier Inc. 2005, p. 1-47, ISBN 0-12-369453-1.
- S. Kalinowski, Application of
capacitive detection in flow analysis, in Flow analysis, methods and
applications (in Polish), P. Kościelniak, M. Trojanowicz (eds.),
Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków 2011, 89-104 (Chapter in a
- L.
Smoczyński, S. Kalinowski, J. Wasilewski, F. Karczyński, Basis of
chemistry with exercises (in Polish), Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu
Warmińsko-Mazurskiego, Olsztyn, 2000, 252 pp. (authorship of five
chapters out of 9,
making all the drawings, editorial works).
- S.
Kalinowski, Electrochemical methods in environmental analysis, in
Analysis and
environmental monitoring. Theory and practice (in Polish), K. Warmiński
ed., Wydawnictwo UWM, 2011, p. 38-70.
science publications and dissemination
- S. Kalinowski, Digital frequency meter with automatical
change of range (in Polish), Radioelektronik, 6 (1988) 5-9 (Third prize
for the best
article in this journal in 1988).
- S. Kalinowski, How to expand digital
frequency meter (in Polish), Radioelektronik, 2 (1991) 8-11.
- S. Kalinowski, Programmable timer CMOS MCY74541 (in
Polish), Radioelektronik, 1 (1992) 9-12.